Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Loooong Wednesday

Today I got to lecture/demo at PSC. I enjoy speaking to the bebes in the freshman class. They're so new and don't know what to expect yet, so it's cool to answer all of their questions and shed some light on the business. I went around the room and had them share why they decided to take the cosmo program, what their technical focus was going to be and what their ultimate professional goal was. There were all kinds of different answers, it was neat to see all of the options students have when they get out of salon, management, photo stylist, special events, theater, education, sales, business, etc.

I also demonstrated an ombre technique on a student there, Racheal. She had uncolored, virgin hair and we put in some gradient honey toned pieces all around the front and razor cut her hair. She looked like a new woman. I wish I would've taken was a cool before and after. All the other students seemed to really dig the technique. It's quick, easy and really popular right now. That's why getting supplemental education in school is so important because they would have never learned a new technique with the basic curriculum they offer there.

Today I did the most time consuming, involved color process I've done yet. It was A LOT of work and took forever it seemed like. Probably 4.5 hours start to finish (including cut, blowdry, flat iron and wax). It took such a long time because I had to prelighten her entire head in foils, isolating previous blonde pieces so I didn't overprocess them and other pieces that were dyed black. It took probably an hour to apply and another 20 minutes processing under heat. Then I had to shampoo,deep condition, completely dry and start to foil with the bold colors we picked. I ended up going with pink, blue, purple, red, red orange and dark violet. I did it in such a way to blend and layer the colors so they look really diffused. I didn't want it to end up with a chunky or block colored result. I wanted all the colors to fan over each other and look like a variety of color results every time she styles her hair differently. I wish I didn't get done so late though...we could've gone outside and gotten some photos in natural light. The shots I got were indoors and not as vibrant as they were in person. All in all, it turned out really nice and she was happy with it.

I'm gonna make this short and sweet tonight....I want to sleeeeep. I've had the worst insomnia lately :( I'm off tomorrow though. I'm pretty excited to have a free day to run errands, do some shopping and maybe grab some lunch with one of my buddies. I also have a lot of getting back to clients, photogs, models and other folks as well. I HAVE to get that done. I'm a notorious procrastinator....and I wait until the last minute to do things. That's probably one of my worst characteristics. I could use a life coach or something :p Or more seriously, an assistant. I've been thinking for a while about hiring someone to help me out. Keith does a lot to help me out at work and especially doing stuff around the house but he's in school full time and I could use some assistance. That's something for me to seriously look into at some point.

Blah, blah, blah. I almost got started on another topic. Goodnight :)

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